
Rear Crossmember

Mount to the ends of crossmember (870-1468) and mates to the trunk floor extension (drop off).
Mount to the ends of crossmember (870-1468) and mates to the trunk floor extension (drop off).
The rear crossmember behnd the bumper.  The bumper brackets attach to this part.  Don't forget the extensions on each end which are sold separately (871-1067-P)
The rear most crossmember behind the back bumper.  Don't forget to include the extensions (871-1468-1L/R except Charger) & reinforcements (871-1468-2L/R) when you replace this piece.
Mount to the ends of crossmember (870-1067) and mates to the trunk floor extension (drop off).
Welds to each outer side of rear crossmember (870-1468) and reinforces the area where the bumper brackets attach. If you're replacing a crossmmeber you will need a LH/RH pair of these items.
Welds to each outer side of rear crossmember (870-1468) and reinforces the area where the bumper brackets attach. If you're replacing a crossmmeber you will need a LH/RH pair of these items.
Mount to the ends of crossmember (870-1570) and mates to the trunk floor extension (drop off).
Mount to the ends of crossmember (870-1570) and mates to the trunk floor extension (drop off).